Though driving cars have been common to men or women, there has been an exclusivity set by some in driving trucks. Truck driving is a profession that is usually dominated by man. In the modern age, it seems that there are emerging numbers of women that also pursue this kind of job. Some people might also find it surprising seeing a female truck driver. It might be unusual but driving a ten-wheeler truck can be for both. 

It has long been a century ever since women started in the industry of freight transportation. In fact, Lillie Drennan was the first licensed woman truck driver in 1929. She owned a company in Texas in which she worked as a hauler of oil field equipment, explosives and soft drinks. She has been one of the many who proved that any woman can do the jobs as well as any man. 

Trucks are not easy to drive. In fact, it has been said that it is one of the deadliest job in the United States of America. In some countries, trucks are usually the ones involved in most of the accidents in the road. According to the Truck Accident Attorneys in the United States of America, one of the most common causes of trucking accidents is driver’s fault. Second is Equipment failure. To avoid such accidents it has been recommended to use Rochester Truck Equipment. Next on the list are accidents due to weather condition, improper loading and improper care in selecting a truck driver or company. When it comes to truck care, get a regular visit in a trusted service center like Buffalo Truck Service.  There are a lot of risks and dangers in driving a truck for both sexes. Male and female come across the same dangers such as accidents, driving at night, being robbed or even health problems due to over fatigue. It is even riskier for women because they need to fight with harassments. They are more vulnerable to this kind of issues because of sexism in our society. Despite all these odds, it doesn’t mean that females can’t do it. A study by the Women in Trucking Association actually shows that both male and female’s behavioral traits scored the highest in patience and conformity. Reuters also reported that women are better truck drivers than men in Chile. More women are getting hired and these are not just trucks these are monstrous trucks used in mining. 

Thus, it only means that women have an edge and they can be equal to men. It may be upsetting that traditional stereotyping and harassment still exist; it is still inspiring to hear things about women that are being stronger and out-spoken to enter a man’s job. The increase of numbers signifies that women can play a big role not only in the trucking industry but also in different markets and industries. Women have great potentials of making histories. They can drive the world with their bare hands just as what men can do.